Friday, December 11, 2015

Doctor visit

Saw my general practitioner, yesterday, of course he recommends surgery, but I told him I want to keep my thyroid and left there crying. I don't think I'll get any doctor (unless it's a natural doctor) I started a detox, I went and bought pink salt, tumeric, a friend sent me some green tea powderI'm in LOVE with that tea. Taking iodinegoing to get some amazing suppliment soon. Getting lots of great ideas, I will post them later, I need to get organised and come up with a daily plan.


  1. A good start in the morning suggestion would be for you to have warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach. That is a gentle way to begin detoxing first thing in the morning. I would also highly suggest being completely vegan. I have a wonderful book for that that will help you that has tons of wonderful recipes. If you will private message me your address I'll get that in the mail for you this weekend. I would also spend some early morning time visualizing the nodules on your thyroid shrinking. As a scientist I can tell you that the mind is a very powerful tool. Your body listens to what it is that you believe. Simply command it to come back into line with the will of our Father. Then picture it being obedient to that and shrinking.

    1. Oh that would be wonderful, this is something I also have been leaning toward, vegan, thank you for the confirmation on that, I can't seem to PM you, maybe you can try to PM me first, and i'll send you my addy. Thanks again sister! <3
