Wednesday, December 9, 2015

There is HOPE...

After struggling, and wrestling, and agonizing over what would be the right choices to make, researching, studying, praying and seeking... I've decided I should consider trying something natural before I consider surgery. There are way more con's than pro's, the thyroid is a VITAL gland that controls everything, it's amazing to me, and I want to keep mine. <3 I feel peace about this, where I couldn't find any for the last couple weeks, I tried to convince myself that surgery was the only option, I can't afford an alternative, that isn't the case, I know that if this is the way YAH want's me to go, well He is providing the open doors to experiment. This will be interesting, and I'm kinda excited about it. I will be documenting what I'm doing, first things are a detox of my system, I just made up a batch of lemon, ginger, and water (Thanks Wilson for your help with that!) AND I took some Iodine, because I learned that it's extremely important for healthy thyroid function and most people are deficient in iodine and don't even know it! Here's some interesting info, i'm considering purchasing a years supply. another thing i'm considering is cannabis oil, now before anyone gets offended about that, please do the research, I too was against it, without even knowing what it's all about, it is amazing how many testimonies are out there of people who were given an death sentence by their doctors, and then were healed when they started using cannabis oil. Here's some great info on that. And by the way, this is about medicinal, not recreational. ;) There are other options I plan on discussing with a couple people, I have to try, right, it's really the logical and wise thing to do, and if it doesn't work, well, I guess I need to get surgery. I have an appointment with my general practitioner tomorrow, I will discuss this with him, and I did meet with a new surgeon on Wednesday, who ordered another ultra sound, which I'll probably still go and get.  And thank you for all of you who have been interceding on my behalf, I feel I've been handed an overwhelming amount of wisdom. <3

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