Saturday, March 5, 2016

A few days ago, I purchased my first month worth of Cannabis Oil, each syringe holds 3 grams, 1 gram a day is my goal. It's looking like it will take some getting used to with this medical dose, just like with the recreational dose, which seems to be a little frustrating, but I'm sure it would be a lot worse had I not started my body getting used to this with the recreational dose. The first night I took wayyy too much, fell asleep before I could feel the effects, but woke up with my whole world spinning, and sick to my stomach! Yuck, if there is one thing I cannot stand it's that drunk feeling, and feeling like I have to puke! I guess I didn't realize how potent it is, I cut the dose way back tonight, hopefully it won't effect me the same. One of the recommendations I found on how to take this oil is supposed to be in such a way that you won't feel the side effects, it has to do with rubbing part of the dose on the gums, which supposedly causes the cannabis to go straight to the receptors in the brain, then, swallow the rest of the dose, which goes to where ever else it is needed. I'm not sure how that works, but I tried it tonight, and I'll let you all know how that goes. The other option is to dilute the dose with coconut oil, this will cut back on the side effects as well, and may be what I need to do to work my way up to that gram a day quicker. If anyone following my blog has any other info about this, please let me know, and feel free to post links as well. Thank you all for supporting me and praying with me on this journey, and please feel free to share my blog with others who may be looking for alternatives to cancer treatment. Until next time! - Laura

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