Thursday, May 19, 2016

Jesus Took The Wheel!

Every time I hear about or think of the song "Jesus take the wheel", it always reminds me of this video I saw going around on Facebook, some of you may have seen it, it's kinda funny. One day I listened to the song, and on a serious note, It really spoke to me.

Last night I ended up in the ER, I've been experiencing my thyroid doing things I didn't expect, but I've had a bladder infection that really kinda shook things up in my body, instead of hypo-thyroid (not enough hormone being released) symptoms, I'm now experiencing hyper-thyroid symptoms (too much hormone release) my dry skin was clearing up and I'm actually losing weight. My thyroid is doing something, I'm just not sure what, but right now, as I write this, I feel pretty good.

I was shaking so bad last night I could not control it, I tried to stay as calm as I could, it wasn't working, I decided to get it checked, it was really scary. I started feeling worse when waiting at the hospital, then they brought me back to check my vitals, I don't even know what my blood pressure was but I'm sure it was through the roof, while waiting there I asked John to pray and he did, I started calling out to God to help me, I literally felt like I was going to pass out or something, when your body is going crazy you don't know what to expect, my whole body went numb.

I heard some music like in my ear!!  I couldn't tell what it was  at first, I asked John if he could hear it, he said he couldn't hear anything... I listened closer, and heard the only line I needed to.."Jesus take the wheel" I said John, its the song Jesus take the wheel... (I scared him) :(  I started questioning why I heard it and felt the need to tell John to tell my babies I love them, just in case something happens. I felt peace even though I was shaking uncontrollably... John did a great job comforting me, he always does. <3

God's really been working in me about trust, He was right there with us last night, I still am blown away by His love, and His Holiness. He is faithful ALWAYS. He promised to heal me, and I need to trust that He will do what He said. 

So.. as of this moment, I'm standing on this being part of my healing, unless He says otherwise. HalleluYAH!!! <3

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Yesterday was the first day I ingested a whole gram of the cannabis oil, I split it up into drops of 10, 3 times a day, which equals 30 drops, which is a gram, the first does was tough, the psycho effects were pretty intense at first, but I went for a walk and walking actually took the edge off, then I slept for a couple hours, and the second dose I took had no effect, which was interesting, the 3rd dose I took before bed, which is the best time I like to take it, most of the time I don't feel anything, unless I wake up to use the bathroom, which was the case last night and I had a hard time finding my way, because I was extremely off balance... lol I'm excited! Just took my first does of today, hopefully it will not have the same effects, if it gets too intense, I will start adding coconut oil to the dose, which is said to help with the psycho active effects. The kewl part about this is, I can up the dose to more than a gram a day, which will cut the time I actually have to take it, I'm hoping to be able to cut it down to 2 months instead of 3, please keep me in prayer as I accomplish this task, with the help of my King and Almighty physician! ;) <3 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Full Dose update

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading and following my blog, I will soon be posting more often, i'm almost ready to start my full doses! I divided 3 grams of the cannabis oil into drops, kind of like what is shown in the picture above, 25 of those drops equals 1 gram, tonight I'm up to taking 5 drops, which is about the dose I need to take 4 times a day, so that is exciting! Next week I should be up to taking this dose 4 times a day, right now I'm just taking the 5 drops each night, which is going very well, it's exciting to see the progress, even though it is slow going. All praise, glory, and honor to my KING Yeshua/Jesus!!! Stay tuned next week when I post about my first full day of taking this oil. =)

Saturday, March 5, 2016

A few days ago, I purchased my first month worth of Cannabis Oil, each syringe holds 3 grams, 1 gram a day is my goal. It's looking like it will take some getting used to with this medical dose, just like with the recreational dose, which seems to be a little frustrating, but I'm sure it would be a lot worse had I not started my body getting used to this with the recreational dose. The first night I took wayyy too much, fell asleep before I could feel the effects, but woke up with my whole world spinning, and sick to my stomach! Yuck, if there is one thing I cannot stand it's that drunk feeling, and feeling like I have to puke! I guess I didn't realize how potent it is, I cut the dose way back tonight, hopefully it won't effect me the same. One of the recommendations I found on how to take this oil is supposed to be in such a way that you won't feel the side effects, it has to do with rubbing part of the dose on the gums, which supposedly causes the cannabis to go straight to the receptors in the brain, then, swallow the rest of the dose, which goes to where ever else it is needed. I'm not sure how that works, but I tried it tonight, and I'll let you all know how that goes. The other option is to dilute the dose with coconut oil, this will cut back on the side effects as well, and may be what I need to do to work my way up to that gram a day quicker. If anyone following my blog has any other info about this, please let me know, and feel free to post links as well. Thank you all for supporting me and praying with me on this journey, and please feel free to share my blog with others who may be looking for alternatives to cancer treatment. Until next time! - Laura

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Took A Ride To Denver New Years Day 4 Cannabis Oil!

Today I took a ride to Denver to visit Care Givers For Life, the only dispensary that carries RSO (Rick Simpson oil), it was a very informative visit, more than I expected, the woman who took care of my needs explained everything I needed to know about using the oil for cancer, she testified that her dad is still alive because of this oil, he has liver cancer and leukemia, he was given 6 months to live,  that was 2 years ago, she said. What a amazing thing to hear, encouraging I told her. She went on to explain the dosage I need to start with and I paid and was on my way. I took the oil before bed, I used the recommended amount but it's difficult to determine it, it's a thick oil,  and messy, I tried to put the dose in the veggie capsule that comes with it, and it ended up on my finger instead, I found out, I do not care for the taste at all... lol. I waited an hour and didn't feel sleep, took a smidge more (I was told it was very potent) about 30 minutes later, I'm ready for sleep, and getting comfortably numb, very relaxed. When you start taking the oil, you start out with small doses, the size of half grain of rice, for about 10 days, then increase the amount for another 5 days until you are to where your body can tolerate the THC, amazing to think that it is changing things with in you, if you read the update I posted in the other post I wrote, I left links to some info about the cannabinoid receptors that are already in our brain. Our Heavenly Father is such an amazing creator! I'll keep everyone up to date on this one. <3 Shalom in the home! P.S. Last night was the second dose I took, I have not slept so well in months, Yah-mazing! :)